Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court


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Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court

Jon Alan Gegenheimer, Sr.

Clerk of Court 1988-Present

All photos on this page courtesy Jon A. Gegenheimer.

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Louisiana Govenor Bobby Jindal administers the oath of office to Clerk of Court Jon Gegenheimer. Gegenheimer’s wife, Cherreen, is by his side.

Gegenheimer with wife Cherreen and Parish President Aaron F. Broussard.

Gegenheimer’s inaugural speech January 6, 2004.

Gegenheimer with wife Cherreen.

Gegenheimer with fellow clerks of court, 2005.
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Gegenheimer takes his oath as clerk of court January 6, 2004. U.S. District Judge Jay Zainey administered the oath.

Gegenheimer with wife Cherreen, Congressman Bobby Jindal and his wife, Supria.

Jefferson Parish Elected Officials.
L-R: John Mamoulides, District Attorney; Bob Evans, Jefferson Parish Council Chairman; Mike Yenni, Parish President; Jon Gegenheimer, Clerk of Court; Lloyd Giardina, Councilman, District 2; Harry Lee, Sheriff; Butch Ward, Councilman, District 1.