Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court


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Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court


Pursuant to La. R.S. 9:204, anyone (other than a judge or justice of the peace) who intends to perform marriage ceremonies principally in Jefferson Parish must deposit with the clerk of court an affidavit stating his lawful name, denomination, and address.  A sample affidavit is supplied below.  The fee to file this document with the clerk of court is $5.00 (La. R.S. 13:841(A)(2)(a)). The affidavit may be presented in person at either our East Bank or West Bank offices or mailed to ATTN:  Marriage Department, Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court, P.O. Box 10, Gretna LA 70054-0010.  Make your check or money order payable to “Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court.”