In October, Clerk of Court Jon Gegenheimer received the Environmental Award from Woodmen of the World Lodge 620, Westwego, in recognition of his efforts with litter abatement, and assistance with parish officials to establish Jefferson Parish’s Environmental Court. The Court’s mission is to eradicate parish code violations that lead to blight.
[testimonial name=”Jon Gegenheimer” function=”Clerk of Court” last_box=”yes”]
I am honored to have the recognition of the Woodmen of the World fraternal organization for my work to clean up Jefferson Parish. Needless to say, it is an ongoing effort, one in which I take great pride. All Jefferson Parish residents have an interest in maintaining a clean parish so that our community can enjoy an outstanding quality of life.
Above, left to right: Woodmen of the World President Earlie J. Vicknair, Jr., presents the organization’s 2011 Environmental Award to Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court Jon Gegenheimer.
Clerk of Court Programmer Reconized by Bureau of Governmental Research
The clerk of court’s senior software programmer, David Benton, received the Innovation Award from the Bureau of Governmental Research September 22. The award, which recognizes employees who have used innovative solutions to solve pressing problems, is one of several granted BGR in its Excellence in Government Awards for 2011.
Benton was nominated by Clerk of Court Jon Gegenheimer for his outstanding work to improve and enhance JeffNet, the clerk’s remote access service.
Above, left to right: Janet Howard, BGR President and CEO, and David Benton.
[testimonial name=”Jon Gegenheimer” function=”Clerk of Court” last_box=”no”]
Benton is indeed an exceptional employee. His attitude, abilities, and work ethic are outstanding and unprecedented in the government milieu. Benton’s keen intuition and comprehension of the courthouse patrons’ needs is greatly appreciated by those with whom he works to establish solutions to vexing problems. Benton is highly motivated; his concern for those whom the clerk of court serves is heartfelt.”
Among Benton’s long list of accomplishments are development of the clerk’s JeffNet, mortgage and conveyance, JeffClerk Alert, and e-filing and e-recording systems. He is redesigning the clerk’s 24th JDC criminal docket information system in addition to maintaining most of the other software programs the clerk of court uses to maintain the public record.
[testimonial name=”David Benton” function=”Senior Software Programmer” last_box=”yes”]
I am humbled to receive this award from BGR. I want to thank Mr. Gegenheimer for nominating me and for his confidence in my abilities. We’ve accomplished a lot, and I could not do it on my own. We have a great team.
Citizens 70 and Over Have New Options to Claim Permanent Exemption
The clerk of court has completed a change to jury administration software and summonses that will allow prospective jurors who have reached age 70 to claim a permanent exemption from jury service. Louisiana Constitutional Amendment 5:33 established the over-70 exemption more than a decade ago. “Persons who are 70 years of age or older shall be exempt from jury service and may decline to serve as jurors, but may elect to serve as jurors if they meet the other qualifications for service as jurors,” it says.
Until recently, those over 70 had to assert the exemption each time they were summoned. Selection of prospective jurors is a random selection by computer from a database established from the drivers’ license and state ID card and voter’s registration databases. Shortly, summonses will contain two options for those over 70: a one-time temporary exemption and a permanent exemption. Jurors over 70 will have to return the confirmation card with their selection in order to claim the exemption. The 24th Judicial District Court Jury Commission, which processes the claims for exemption, will verify that age 70 has been attained by careful examination of the juror’s record.
[testimonial name=”Jon Gegenheimer” function=”Clerk of Court” last_box=”yes”]
Many jurors over 70 use the exemption for temporary excusal from service. However, there are many more that simply no longer wish to serve because of health or personal reasons due to their age. Repeatedly sending summonses to these people makes no sense and is a waste of resources.
The clerk estimates that most will request the permanent exemption. As persons in the database turn 70 years of age, correspondence will be generated that will afford the prospective juror to claim the exemption before receiving a summons. Persons over 70 cannot be automatically removed, but the option to claim the exemption prior to being summoned will put many at ease.
Jefferson residents who have attained age 70 don’t have to wait for the letter to claim the exemption. They may call the clerk’s jury pool administration staff at (504) 364-3987 to request the exemption. Employees will confirm the caller’s name, address, and date of birth with what the clerk has on file.
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